Pivoting this blog

Hi! Anton is here.

This blog and the whole idea of Vivala Coffee were born from the impulse influenced by a spread of AI-generation tools. Coffee is indeed my long-term hobby and passion and I wanted to combine it with some moneymaking. I had an idea to write coffee-related blog posts with the help of AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E and occasionally include affiliated links to get a little fee if links were useful for people and they bought something.

After a few articles and without much luck I dropped this idea and abandoned the blog.

But, I don't want to let this beautiful website go into nothingness. I decided to pivot it to a personal blog dedicated to my journey in the coffee topic. After years in this hobby, I still have a ton to learn, so I hope my findings will be interesting for someone else as well.

So now, moving on, I will put only genuine content which is a product of my own brain with maybe a tiny help from AI to make it a bit more pleasant to read as English is not my mother tongue.

Thank you for reading this and I hope to see you in my next post!